
Roger Yamanaka’s diverse approach to rehabilitation and performance training combines brain-based neurological concepts with more traditional biomechanical models of looking at your body. In a typical therapy session, Roger will spend as much time working on your brain’s connection to your body as with your body itself. Weak links in your brain and nervous system are identified and unique exercises are introduced to allow your body to unlock its full potential. A wide variety of manual therapy techniques are incorporated to address dysfunction in joints, muscles, and fascia (connective tissue which stabilize, enclose, and separate muscles and internal organs).

TREATMENT APPROACHES include Primal Reflex Release Technique™ (PRRT), Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS), Fascial Manipulation, Z-Health and Titleist Performance Institute.

What to Expect

A complete health history will be taken during the first visit. The health history will include...

Understanding Pain

Understanding pain on a scientific and practical level is one of the key things that we must do...

What is Neural Plasiticty

Neural plasticity is a term that is currently defined this way in the literature: Any change in...

How Does the Brain Stay Healthy

To understand the complex interaction of the human nervous system, we want to start by...

Summary of Approaches

Z Health – A brain based approach where problematic areas of the brain and nervous system...

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